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I am so excited!! This is my first blog!!! I try to post as often as I can, but sometimes it's hard!! All of you other bloggers know what I am talking about!!! I have polls so you can tell me what you think. My posts might not be the best, but that is because this is still new to me. However, practice makes perfect. :) So, let me practice and don't forget to leave comments and/or take the poll(s).

Monday, March 12, 2012

Science Fair Project

For school I am doing a science fair project!!! Guess what its called????
That's a Real Smile... Or Is It?
Doesn't that sound soooo cool??? I will upload a picture of my science fair board if I can. Here is the test I had to give 40 volunteers.

Take it and let me know how many you got right out of 20!! This is my score: 11/20


  1. I got 12 out of 20. Wow, that was a lot harder than I thought! I guess we think we're going to do better than we really do!

    (P.S. LoVe the blog!)

  2. Howdy again! Something seemed very familiar about your writing style and the fact that your bio contained that you love pink and sparkles. However, this post confirms my suspicions. : )

    Hope you are enjoying the wonderful world of blogging! I was planning on following this blog already because I liked the layout and found you irresistably friendly, but now I absolutely have to.

    See you Tuesday!

    I'll stick to using your penname only if you stick to mine. ;)
